Early Fall: The Best Time For “Pick-Me-Up” Procedures?

As the warm weather heads out, we’re all starting to bundle up, which means it’s time to put your summer body under a cozy sweater, baggy sweatshirt, or snuggly jacket. With your body covered, where will everyone be looking? At your face of course! Time for a “pick-me-up” procedure!
That’s why early fall is the best time for quick, “pick-me-up” procedures like a mini facelift, eyelid lift, forehead/eyebrow lift, chin augmentation, non-surgical rhinoplasty, or even Botox and fillers. Not only will you look your best for the holiday season, but many procedures’ results actually improve when patients avoid excessive sun exposure!
If you’ve been thinking about a “pick-me-up” procedure to tighten up for Thanksgiving, the holidays, or New Year’s, now is the time!
Eyelid & Eyebrow/Forehead Lift
Whether winter, spring, summer, or fall, if you’re interacting with people face-to-face, they will be looking at your eyes. If you have saggy eyelids, visible bags, crow’s feet, or any other visible signs of aging, you might be in a less festive mood–especially around the holidays.
Your forehead is the same. As we age, the skin on our forehead thins, making wrinkle lines–and eyebrow lowering–more noticeable. A face warmer (or a mask) might cover your nose, mouth, and chin, but it won’t cover your eyes and forehead.
Fortunately, a quick procedure like an eyelid lift or eyebrow/forehead lift will restore your youthful look–and your confidence. With both procedures, you can be in and out in as little as one hour.
Plus, they’re typically performed under local anesthesia, which means less postoperative discomfort/nausea and a lower overall cost. Best of all, most patients are able to return to work and normal activity – within 10-14 days.
The eyes are the window to the soul, and what better time to spruce them up than right before the holidays?
Mini Facelift

Fall marks the official start of facelift season. That’s because having a facelift procedure in early/mid-fall allows ample recovery time, which falls right in the sweet spot of downtime between back-to-school and Thanksgiving.
Whereas a full facelift can take as long as five hours, a mini facelift can typically be completed in under two hours. That’s because a mini facelift – in addition to being less invasive – targets only the jowls and upper neck. During the procedure, your surgeon will tighten the lower face by pulling the skin and tissue back and outwards towards the ear.
See Also: What’s the difference between a facelift and a mini-facelift?
Most mini facelift patients report minimal-to-no discomfort post-procedure, which we can perform in-office under local anesthesia. Patients can usually return to work and normal activity within two weeks–with optimal results visible in about two-three months.
Show your family and friends your best face for Thanksgiving with a mini-facelift!
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Chances are, your nose is going to get red, stuffy, or both this fall and winter. If you’re already self-conscious about it, you might be inclined to stay home until the weather warms up again. If that doesn’t sound like fun, non-surgical rhinoplasty is the perfect “pick-me-up” in early fall.
Also called liquid rhinoplasty, the procedure differs from a traditional “nose-job” in that it involves injecting a filler to temporarily alter the shape and structure of the nose.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be performed in as little as 15 minutes, with no anesthesia necessary, and patients can return to work and normal activity on the same day as the procedure. Depending on the filler used, results can last anywhere from six months to three years.
Chin Augmentation
Chin augmentations have been called “the new nose job” as they surge in popularity. Especially during COVID – while we stared at each other’s faces over Zoom, patients flocked in droves to sharpen, tone, and perfect their chins. After all, the chin (and cheekbones) frame the face!
What’s more, a chin augmentation can restore confidence to patients with a soft or undeveloped jawline, which enhances the profile and drastically improves the overall aesthetic of the head and face – and patients’ self esteem. Best of all, unlike temporary solutions like Juvederm, chin augmentation is designed to be a one-time, lasting solution.
Chin augmentations are an outpatient surgery done under general anesthesia. Associated with minimal bruising and swelling, patients return to work and normal activities within five to seven days post-procedure.
Be cheery, bright, and confident for the holidays with a chin augmentation!

Fall is also one of the most popular times of the year for Botox treatments. Too much sun exposure during the summer can lead to wrinkles, lines, and premature signs of aging on the face. Botox restores, revitalizes, and rejuvenates the skin to repair the UV damage.
Botox treatments can take as little as ten minutes, requiring no anesthesia, and patients can return to work and normal activities right away. Patients should avoid exercise/vigorous activity for ~24 hours post-procedure.
There’s no surprise that so many patients choose late summer and early fall for a quick “pick-me-up” Botox treatment. They’re quick, painless, and affordable, and patients love them!
Like Botox, injectable dermal fillers can provide immediate, temporary relief for thinning lips, facial creases or wrinkle lines, and even visible scarring.
Again, like Botox, filler procedures typically take less than a half hour, require no anesthesia, and allow patients to return to work and normal activities right away.
A quick filler can help you attain a more youthful look–as results show up almost right away–and like Botox, are temporary. Depending on the type of filler and where it is placed, results last anywhere from a few months to nearly 2 years.
Open Availability With Dr. Yan!
Need another incentive for a quick “pick-me-up” procedure? We have open availability–and in some cases, same-day availability, with Dr. Yan for most procedures.
Call or go online to schedule an in-person or phone-in consultation with our office today!
Can’t make it in person? Dr. Yan offers “instant” virtual email consultations! Simply upload your photos and the procedure you’re looking for and within 24-48 hours, we will email you with an assessment, quote, and available surgery dates. You can even submit multiple requests for multiple procedures!
Look your best for Thanksgiving and the holidays and take advantage of the fall downtime with a quick “pick-me-up” procedure. Get in touch with us today!
Considering Transgender Top Surgery? What You Need to Know!
Each year, more than 9,000 patients across the United States undergo transgender top surgery. Also called sex reassignment surgery, both FTM (female-to-male) and MTF (male-to-female) variations are widely performed, with patients most appreciating the marked improvement in confidence, body image, and overall quality of life.
If you’ve been considering transgender top surgery, you probably have questions. Are you a good candidate? What is the preparation and recovery process like? Will this procedure affect any other part of my transition?
At DeLuca Plastic Surgery, we’re here to help. We want to make every procedure as transparent and beneficial as possible. Before you decide on FTM or MTF transgender top surgery, here’s what you need to know.

Transgender Top Surgery: MTF
MTF transgender top surgery, also known as transfeminine top surgery or transgender breast augmentation, aims to feminize the patient’s chest by enhancing the size and shape of the breasts. As the latter name suggests, the procedure most commonly involves breast augmentation–or implants–to recontour, reshape, and revitalize the chest for a fuller, feminine look.
More importantly, for many patients, the procedure means no more wearing artificial breasts or padded bras–or dealing with body or gender dysmorphia.
Transgender Top Surgery: FTM
FTM transgender top surgery, or masculinizing chest surgery, aims to masculinize the patient’s chest by removing breast tissue. However, the goal is more than just a flat chest–it’s a sculpted, masculine aesthetic. Whereas MTF procedures enhance and fill the breast via implants, FTM procedures reduce and flatten the chest through subcutaneous mastectomy.
Like its MTF counterpart, masculinizing chest surgery can help alleviate body and gender dysmorphia and avoid the risks and complications of chest binding.

Preparing For Your Procedure
During your initial consultation, we’ll go over your goals, medical history, and overall physical and mental health to ensure you’re a good candidate.
Before top surgery, most surgeons recommend patients obtain a letter of support from a mental health provider. This letter asserts that patients meet the World Professional Association of Transgender Health standards of care criteria.
Additionally, like any other procedure, patients must be in good physical health.
Once approved for surgery, patients should discontinue smoking or nicotine use as well as caffeine and alcohol intake. Patients taking testosterone, estrogen, or other hormone treatments may continue taking them depending on your schedule.
Your surgeon will give more precise instructions on what you can and cannot take as the date of your procedure approaches.

What to Expect During Your Procedure
FTM top surgery is done outpatient under general anesthesia. Depending on your breast size, we’ll work with you to develop the best surgical method for optimal results.
During the procedure, we’ll make incisions in the skin to remove breast tissue, contour and reduce the breast wall, reposition the nipples and areola, and reshape the chest.
MTF top surgery is also done outpatient under general anesthesia. Again, depending on your intended breast size, we’ll work with you to develop the best surgical method for optimal results.
During the procedure, we’ll use silicone or saline implants to augment breast shape and increase breast size to reshape the breasts into a feminine look.
Both procedures take anywhere from 2-4 hours and patients are free to return home post-procedure.
Recovery & Outlook
Recovery time varies from patient to patient, but most patients can return to work within a week or two post-procedure.
For most patients, the first-week post-procedure is the most uncomfortable, but most side effects, including swelling, discomfort, and soreness, typically subside within a few weeks.
During that first week, we recommend patients sleep on their back and avoid both showering and strenuous activity. To control swelling and discomfort, we recommend the use of an ice pack.
About a week after your procedure, you’ll meet with your surgeon for a postoperative appointment. At this point, we’ll remove the dressing and you’ll get to see your new chest for the first time.

Ready to Schedule Your Consultation?
Research–including scientific studies–has found an overwhelming majority of patients approve of their decision. Less than 1% of study participants expressed regret. The consensus is clear: FTM and MTF transgender top surgery helps patients achieve a new lease on life.
DeLuca Plastic Surgery is proud to offer the most advanced, cutting-edge techniques in FTM and MTF transgender top surgery. From your initial consultation to your stunning results, we’re in your corner to answer all your questions, alleviate your concerns, and improve your confidence, body image, and quality of life.
If you’ve been thinking about transgender top surgery, don’t wait. Schedule an in-person, phone-in, or instant email consultation with us today!
Feel Your Best in Your Summer Skin!

The summer months are a time for sun-kissed skin, showing off your glistening, bronzed summer body, and feeling your best and most confident. At the same time, too much exposure to the sun can have a major detrimental impact on your summer skin.
Let’s take a look at how to keep your skin safe and healthy during the most UV-intensive summer months!
Taking Care of Your Skin
Your skin makes up about 15% of your total body weight. Though it may grow, stretch, blemish, scar, or otherwise change, you only get one set in a lifetime. But did you know the outermost layer of skin–the epidermis–is actually made up of a bunch of dead cells?
It actually gets its strength and suppleness from the dense makeup of keratin–a complex protein–found in those cells. You can also find keratin in the organs, glands, hair, and nails.

The biggest danger to healthy skin is overexposure to the sun. In fact, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime. Exposure to UV rays, combined with a lack of preventative, hydrating measures (which can be found below), can lead to irreversible skin damage–including premature aging, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, increased risk of skin cancer, and even increased risk of cataracts.
That’s because the sun’s UV rays–especially in summer–easily break down collagen and other vital skin components. When sunlight hits unprotected skin, it damages healthy cells. Over time, the signs of damage become more noticeable. Some people even develop more freckles, age spots, skin growths, and even skin cancer.
How can you keep your skin safe, strong, and healthy? Combined with a healthy skin care regimen, the answer is sunscreen!
The Importance of Sunscreen
Your skin gets bombarded by harmful UV rays on a daily basis, and even more so in the summer. The very first line of defense is a sunscreen with a good sun protection factor or SPF. While most people mistakenly believe SPF refers to the amount of time one can spend in the sun, it actually refers to the amount of UV exposure. As SPF value increases, so does protection against sunburn and additional skin damage.

Selecting the proper sunscreen depends on myriad factors, including time in the sun, time of day, amount of sunscreen applied, and even your skin type. The American Cancer Society recommends a sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection, SPF of 30 or higher, and reapplication of water-resistant sunscreen (water-resistant ≠ waterproof).
In addition to the regular application of sunscreen, you should also cover up as much as possible if you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time. That can include wearing covering clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses–especially those that block at least 99% of UV light.
Look to limit your time in the sun between 10 am and 4 pm–when UV rays are at their strongest. Finally, avoid artificial tanning beds and sunlamps–as both can cause serious, long-term skin damage and contribute to skin cancer.
Summer Skin Care Tips
Summer skincare doesn’t begin and end with sunscreen and UV protection protocols. In addition to sunscreen, the cornerstones of healthy skin are cleansing, detoxification, antioxidants, Vitamin A, and hydration. In other words, sunscreen is just one part of keeping your skin radiant, beautiful, and healthy during the summer.

Cleansing, detoxifying, hydrating, and antioxidizing your skin starts at night. Essentially, you work off the stress, wear, and grime of the day with a blend of premium skincare products, like Ageless Millenial Aesthetics by Estéticoceuticals. Removing toxins, exfoliating, and hydrating your skin is the key to starting each new day with a blank canvas.
Daytime skincare products, like the Days skincare line, help protect against the damaging rays of the sun, prevent cellular damage, and rehydrate and restore suppleness to the delicate tissues of the eyelids and lips.
A combination daytime/nighttime skincare regimen works in concert to help to improve skin turnover, repair the damaging effects of pollution and sun exposure, smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and hydrate the skin. That means healthy, glowing skin not only in the UV-intensive summer months but in the cold, dry winter months as well!
Read More About Skin Care Tips!
Keep Your Skin Healthy All Year Long!
Your skin lasts forever. While it’s tempting to have a toned, tanned body all year long, there are good and bad ways of going about it. In other words, there’s no reason you can’t feel your best all year long–as long as you do it safely.

Choose and maintain a skin care regimen, take care to apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses/sun protection when out in the sun, and avoid artificial tanning salons.
Together, that’s a healthy starting point for soaking up rays and getting the most out of what should be a beautiful summer!
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Pre and Post-Op: What to Know About Your Body Procedure
Obtaining a beautiful, healthier body is easier than you might think. Whether you’ve become dissatisfied with your appearance due to age, genetics, pregnancy, or the rigors of life, cosmetic body procedures can help restore a tighter, more youthful look–and your self-confidence! If you’ve been thinking about a cosmetic procedure, such as liposuction, tummy tuck, mommy makeover, or body contouring, here’s what you need to know to prepare for best results, including what to do and what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.

Early Pre-Op: First Steps
So you’ve noticed some extra skin-or perhaps things simply aren’t as tight and young-looking as they once were. If diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes aren’t enough, the next step is a consultation with your surgeon. We’ll go over all the options available to you, including:
-Tummy Tuck
-Mommy Makeover
-Brazilian Butt Lift
-Thigh Lift
-Arm Lift
-Gynecomastia Correction
If any of the above is a fit, it’s time to plan your surgery date and start preparing for your procedure.
Like for any other procedure, smokers should aim to stop nicotine usage for at least 4 weeks pre-procedure and stay smoke-free for 4 weeks post-procedure to reduce the risk of complications like infection. Nicotine use may also cause nausea, aggravate the lungs, and decrease blood flow during surgery–all of which puts your body at more risk of heart attack or stroke.
Your surgical team will also advise on what medications to continue or discontinue. Typically, patients are advised against taking NSAIDS, blood thinners, and Vitamin C, herbal, or weight-loss supplements for at least 2-4 weeks pre-procedure. Be sure to go over your complete list of medications and supplements with your surgical team to avoid potential interactions with anesthesia and/or post-operative prescribed medication.
Finally, depending on the procedure being performed, patients may be asked to complete lab work (such as CBC, blood chemistry tests, or liver function panel) in order to be cleared for surgery. Your surgeon may also ask for body scans or imaging, such as MRI, CT, or X-Ray.
Pre-Op: Just Before Surgery
The best time to plan your recovery is just before your procedure. Recovery time may vary depending on the procedure, from as little as 5-7 days for liposuction or up to 6 weeks for a Brazilian Butt Lift.

In the days leading up to your surgery, fill any prescriptions you’ll need post-op, plan out easy meals, and clear your schedule so you can rest and recuperate. It can also help to have someone nearby for the first 24 hours post-op to help with basic tasks and ensure the patient can rest comfortably.
Additionally, patients should abstain from alcohol for roughly 72 hours before their procedure, as it can affect their immune system.
The Day of the Procedure
If you have questions or concerns, don’t wait until the day of your procedure to bring them up. Remember, communication and transparency are crucial to both a quick recovery and best results.
Your surgeon will tell you what medications you can and cannot take leading up to, directly before, and after your procedure, including the morning of. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s recommendations regarding food and drink; most procedures don’t permit eating or drinking after midnight the night before your procedure.
Dress comfortably and avoid wearing jewelry. Have your insurance card and all proper documents handy, as well as your personal effects securely organized.
Make arrangements for someone to drive you both to and from your procedure, as well as to stay nearby for at least the first 24 hours so you can rest and focus on your recovery. Try to arrive at our facility to give yourself enough time to adequately check-in and prepare for your procedure.
Post-Op: Just After Surgery
After your procedure, the most common side effects are mild discomfort, bruising, swelling, and redness. The most important immediate treatments are rest and ice. We recommend taking any prescribed pain medication before you start to feel pain and/or discomfort. Preventing pain is easier than trying to manage it.

Depending on which procedure you had (namely liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lift, and arm lift), your surgeon may provide a compression garment to help the skin tighten up and facilitate healing. These also reduce swelling and provide much-needed support to core muscles as part of the healing process. Your surgeon will provide instructions, including how to wear it and how long to wear it.
Once our team has determined it’s safe, you can return home. As mentioned, it’s important to have someone to drive you home and stay with you so you can rest and recover.
Within a few days post-procedure, your doctor will check your bandages, assess your condition, and ensure you’re well on your way to optimal recovery. Make sure to let your doctor know if you’re experiencing any significant pain or discomfort, as these may be signs of something serious.
Post-Op: What to Expect After Your Procedure
You should expect soreness, swelling, and mild discomfort for at least a few weeks post-procedure. It’s normal to experience fatigue or tiredness as part of the healing process; it can take 5-6 weeks for you to return to your pre-procedure energy levels.
Try to walk a little each day and remember to stay hydrated. Avoid strenuous activity such as exercise or heavy lifting. Start with light activity and bit-by-bit, ramp up the intensity, but avoid abdominal exercises and stay away from bicycle riding, jogging, weight lifting, and aerobics for at least 6-8 weeks.
Recovery from body procedures can range anywhere from a few days to 6 weeks or more. Typically, however, patients can return to work within one week of the procedure (depending on how strenuous the job is). Again, depending on what procedure you had, there are various limitations. For example, labiaplasty patients are advised against sexual intercourse for at least 6-8 weeks post-procedure.
Your surgeon will also schedule a follow-up appointment (within a week of the initial procedure) to monitor your progress and recovery, as well as to finalize any parts of the procedure. It is possible you may need an additional follow-up procedure to correct any issues that arise from the first surgery or if you’re not satisfied with your initial results. However, it may take months before you can accurately determine your satisfaction with your new look.
Women Who May Become Pregnant
A common question often asked is whether or not women who may become pregnant again should undergo cosmetic surgery like liposuction, tummy tuck, or a mommy makeover. While there is no inherent harm to fertility, we typically advise patients to wait until they’re done having children. The significant changes that occur during pregnancy often counteract the work done by cosmetic procedures, meaning patients often require revisional procedures if they become pregnant again after surgery.
Pre and Post-Op Recap

Early pre-op:
Quit smoking & nicotine use.
Talk to your doctor about what medications you can and cannot use.
Complete lab work.
Ask any questions/clear any concerns.
Late pre-op:
No alcohol for 72 hours pre-procedure.
Fill any prescriptions you need post-op.
Clear out your schedule to prepare for rest and recovery.
Day of procedure:
Arrive early enough to check in and prepare for your procedure.
Dress comfortably, and avoid jewelry.
Have insurance card/important documents handy.
Days-weeks post-op:
Rest & ice.
Wear compression garments
Avoid strenuous activity for ~ one-week post-procedure.
Follow up appointments with your team.
Love your new body!
Ready For Your Procedure? Schedule Today!
At DeLuca Plastic Surgery, the difference is in the details. Whether you’re looking to regain your pre-pregnancy body or roll back the years, our team of experienced professionals has the proven results you’re looking for. From the moment you meet with us for your consultation to the moment you revel in your new look after your procedure, you’ll feel comfortable, listened to, and taken care of. Get in touch with us today to schedule your in-person consultation, phone-in consultation, or instant email consultation, and start on the road to loving your new body!
Pre and Post-Op: What to Know About Breast Procedures
Procedures of the breast are consistently among the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in America, year after year. In 2020, surgeons performed over 193,000 breast augmentations, more than any other procedure except rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, facelift, and liposuction.
If you’ve been thinking about a breast procedure–whether it’s augmentation, implants, reduction, or something else, here’s what you need to know to prepare for best results, including what to do and what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.
Early Pre-Op: First Steps
Assuming you’ve already had your consultation with your surgeon and selected your procedure, the next step is preparing for the operation.

Smokers should aim to stop nicotine usage for at least 4 weeks pre-procedure and stay smoke-free for 4 weeks post-procedure to reduce the risk of complications like infection–and to help the body recover naturally. Smoking also may cause nausea and aggravate the lungs during surgery, as well as decrease blood flow, which puts your body more at risk of heart attack or stroke.
Stop taking aspirin and any other blood-thinning medications at least two weeks before your procedure, as these can put you at risk for excessive bleeding. Be sure to talk with your surgeon about any vitamins, supplements, herbs, or medications you take or plan to take throughout your recovery as some of these may interact with anesthesia and/or post-operative prescribed medication.
Finally, depending on procedure, patients may be asked to complete lab work in order to be cleared for surgery.
Pre-Op: Just Before Surgery
The best time to plan your recovery is just before your procedure. In the days leading up to your surgery, fill any prescriptions you’ll need post-op, plan out easy meals, and clear your schedule so you can rest and recuperate.
Patients should also abstain from alcohol for roughly 72 hours before their procedure, as it can affect their immune system.
The Day of the Procedure
If you have questions or concerns, don’t wait until the day of your procedure to bring them up. Remember, communication and transparency are crucial to both a quick recovery and best results.
Your surgeon will tell you what medications you can and cannot take leading up to, directly before, and after your procedure, including the morning of. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s recommendations regarding food and drink; most procedures don’t permit eating or drinking after midnight the night before your procedure.

Dress comfortably and avoid wearing jewelry. Have your insurance card and all proper documents handy, as well as your personal effects securely organized.
Make arrangements for someone to drive you both to and from your procedure, as well as to stay nearby for at least the first 24 hours so you can rest and focus on your recovery. Try to arrive at our facility to give yourself enough time to adequately check-in and prepare for your procedure.
Post-Op: Just After Surgery
The most important things to remember immediately post-procedure are rest and ice–which can help with both bruising and swelling and pain management. Remember, it’s better to take your prescribed pain medication before you start to feel pain and discomfort. Preventing pain is much easier than trying to manage it.
Once our team has determined it’s safe, you can return home. As mentioned, it’s important to have someone to drive you home and stay with you so you can rest and recover.
Within a few days post-procedure, your doctor will check your bandages, assess your condition, and ensure you’re well on your way to optimal recovery. Make sure to let your doctor know if you’re experiencing significant pain or discomfort.
Post-Op: What to Expect After Your Breast Procedure
If you set up your recovery space, you won’t need to risk injury or strain yourself performing simple tasks. Try to stay on the ground floor, if possible, and avoid stairs. Move any frequently-needed items to within arm’s reach and keep a water bottle nearby–hydration is key!

Depending on the procedure performed, recovery time can range from anywhere between a few weeks to a few months. Typically, patients can return to their normal lifestyle within three weeks to a month. However, despite popular belief, the first stage of your recovery (bedrest) may only last three to five days. Being up and moving helps facilitate blood flow, as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle, which may lead to stiffness, pain, and discomfort.
Patients should expect a level of discomfort or muscle soreness similar to that of a workout, especially when they move or raise their arms. Patients may also experience itchiness around the incisions. Both are completely normal and abate with time. Depending on your procedure, your surgeon might also prescribe a surgical bra–as well as advise against wearing an underwire bra until you’ve fully healed.
Your surgeon will also schedule a follow up appointment to monitor your progress and recovery, as well as to finalize any parts of the procedure (like removing a drain). It is possible you may need an additional follow up procedure to correct any issues that arise from the first surgery or if you’re not satisfied with your initial results. However, it may take months before you can accurately determine your satisfaction with your new look.
Pre and Post-Op Recap
Early pre-op:
Quit smoking & nicotine use.
Talk to your doctor about what medications you can and cannot use.
Complete lab work.
Ask any questions/clear any concerns.
Late pre-op:
No alcohol for 72 hours pre-procedure.
Fill any prescriptions you need post-op.
Clear out schedule to prepare for rest and recovery.
Day of procedure:
Arrive early enough to check-in and prepare for your procedure.
Dress comfortable, avoid jewelry.
Have insurance card/important documents handy.
Days-weeks post-op:
Rest & ice.
Avoid strenuous activity for ~one week post-procedure.
Follow up appointments with your team.
Love your new body!
Ready For Your Breast Procedure?
Schedule Today!
At DeLuca Plastic Surgery, the difference is in the details. Whether you’re looking for breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or something else, our team has the experience and proven results you’re looking for. From the moment you meet with us for your consultation to the moment you revel in your new look, you’ll feel comfortable, listened to, and taken care of.
Get in touch with us today to schedule your in-person consultation, phone-in consultation, or instant email consultation, and start on the road to loving your new body!
Pre and Post-Op: What to Know About Your Facial Procedure
When it comes to your cosmetic procedure, pre and post-op care are just as important as the overall results. In fact, proper care, both pre and post-op, is instrumental for the best results. For your facial procedure, let’s go over what to expect, do’s and don’ts, and everything else vital to your pre and post-op care to maximize your results, minimize your recovery time and discomfort, and become your best self!

Early Pre-Op: First Steps
Once you’ve consulted with your surgeon, settled on your desired facial procedure, and booked the date, the next step is proper self-care and preparation.
Smokers: Smoking slows the body’s healing process by decreasing blood flow and inhibiting inflammation. Quitting 4-6 weeks before your procedure and staying smoke-free for at least 4 weeks post-op can decrease your risk of complications and help speed up the recovery process. It’s important to note that nicotine replacement, while safer than smoking, is still toxic. For best results, we recommend complete cessation and abstinence from nicotine for at least 4 weeks pre-op and 4 weeks post-op.
Roughly two weeks before surgery, patients should stop taking any blood-thinning medications, as well as any medications containing Vitamin E, diet pills and supplements, and aspirin or ibuprofen. You should discuss your medication list and physical history with your surgeon at your consultation.
Part of your preparation for a facial procedure also involves taking care of the skin on your face. For best results, we recommend a facial regimen with Vitamin C, Retinyl, and Moisturizing serums. This will help keep your face hydrated, moisturized, and ready for your procedure.
Pre-Op: Just Before Surgery
On the day just before your procedure, in addition to clearing out your schedule so you can rest and heal unimpeded, you should begin your antibiotics, as well as your Arnica (a holistic anti-inflammatory).
Antibacterial (or antimicrobial soap) is instrumental to your recovery. On both the night before surgery and the morning of, it’s important to wash your face thoroughly with this soap, as it will help minimize the risk of infection.
Continue your antibiotics and Arnica through the date of surgery, including the morning of your procedure. If you take an anxiolytic for your procedure, take that the morning of as well.
The Day of the Procedure
Don’t wait until the day of your surgery to ask your surgical team questions. If you have any questions or concerns in the days or weeks leading up to your procedure, be sure to contact your team without delay.
*Remember, communication and transparency are crucial to both a quick recovery and best results!*

As mentioned, your surgeon will tell you what medications you can and cannot take leading up to, directly before, and after your procedure, including the morning of. You should also arrange transportation to and from the facility. Depending on the procedure(s) performed, we also recommend having a loved one nearby for the first few days of healing. This can help the patient rest and focus on recovery.
Post-Op: Just After Surgery
Immediately after surgery, the most important things to remember are to keep the head elevated and to apply ice to help reduce swelling. As mentioned, we recommend having someone nearby for at least the first 24 hours post-op, to help the patient follow these two rules. Take any prescribed pain medications before you begin to feel discomfort–it’s easier to prevent pain than to try to control it.
Continue your antibiotics, Arnica, and any other medications as recommended by your surgeon immediately following your procedure. Try to restrict your activities for at least a few days post-procedure. It may take up to a week or longer to feel “back to normal”-at which point you can resume physical activity.
Post-Op: What to Expect After Your Procedure
Both bleeding and swelling are completely normal side effects of a facial procedure. Both should be easily controlled with rest, elevation, ice, and medication. If persistent bleeding or swelling occurs, contact your surgeon immediately.
As early as you can post-procedure, we recommend washing with antibacterial soap again. Continue your antibiotics, Arnica, and any other medications as directed by your surgeon. We also recommend the application of CBD restorative creams to help pain/numbness relief, moisturizing, and healing.
About one week to one-month post-op, you can discontinue your antibiotics. Remember to take the entire prescription, however, as avoiding even one dose can significantly reduce the efficacy. Continue your Arnica and CBD creams and consult with your surgical team about scar management.
Scar management: We begin scar management strategies about 10-14 days post-op. These include the use of sunscreen, gentle massages of the operative area, and the use of silicone-based gel to encourage optimal scar maturation. We continue these scar management strategies for up to a year post-op to ensure full scar maturation.
We also recommend patients start warm compresses around this time to reduce bruising. Your surgeon will tell you what compresses or apparel is best for your specific procedure. Continue use of these garments as recommended by your surgeon for as long as needed post-op.
Pre and Post-Op Recap
Early pre-op:
Quit smoking & nicotine use.
Stop taking blood-thinners, Vitamin E, ibuprofen/aspirin, and dietary supplements.
Begin facial regimen.
Ask any questions/clear any concerns.
Late pre-op:
Begin antibiotics, Arnica.
Clear out schedule to aid in rest and recovery.
Wash face with antibacterial/antimicrobial soap.
Day of procedure:
Continue taking antibiotics, Arnica.
For IN-OFFICE PROCEDURES, if you take an anxiolytic for your procedure, take that the morning of as well.
Keep head elevated, apply ice.
Days-weeks post-op:
Continue to wash with antibacterial/antimicrobial soap.
Continue antibiotics, Arnica. Remember to take entire course of antibiotics.
Apply CBD restorative cream for pain/numbness, moisturizing, and healing.
Start scar management.
Start warm compresses to relieve bruising.
Ready For Your Procedure? Schedule Today!

From face and neck lifts to facial implants, rhinoplasty, eyelid lifts and so much more, DeLuca Plastic Surgery offers dazzling results customized to your needs. We also take great pride in walking our patients through all the aspects of pre and post-op care. From answering your questions to outlining a customized treatment plan to standing by your side through recovery, DeLuca Plastic Surgery is about more than just results. Our over 30 years of experience is a testament to the personalized, professional care we provide to each patient who walks through our doors.
If you’re ready to experience a different side of cosmetic surgery, book a consultation with DeLuca Plastic Surgery today. We offer in-person, phone-in, and instant email consultations.
Choose the right experience for you and start on the road to changing your life today!
Drainless vs. Drains Tummy Tucks: What’s Better?
Now that we’re getting into the warm weather, tummy tucks are the talk of the town. In fact, tummy tucks are some of the most performed procedures in the country, year-round! Let’s talk a little bit about the different kinds of tummy tucks, including drainless vs drains tummy tucks, which option is best for you, and the next steps to take if you’ve been thinking about your own tummy tuck!
What’s The Difference?
Typical tummy tucks include a drain, or tubing, as part of the recovery process. Since your body naturally produces liquid as an immune response (swelling) after surgery, surgeons will often install a drain in the abdominal cavity to collect excess liquid the body can’t absorb.
A drainless tummy tuck, on the other hand, uses sutures to close down the space between the skin and muscle tissue. Liquid from swelling distributes evenly through the abdomen making the fluid collection less noticeable.
Importantly, there can still be fluid buildup after a drainless tummy tuck. For best results, patients should wear the provided compression garments, avoid strenuous activity, and follow their surgical team’s recovery instructions as closely as possible.
Benefits of Drainless Tummy Tucks
Generally speaking, the recovery time for both drains and drainless tummy tucks is the same. Patients can resume light activity 1-2 weeks after their procedure and full activity within 1-2 months. Both drainless and drains tummy tucks produce relatively identical results as well.

If recovery time and results are similar, why would a drainless tummy tuck be preferable?
For starters, a drainless procedure avoids drain-site irritation, a common minor byproduct of a traditional tummy tuck. Since there is no drain, there’s no need to install or remove it, which means when the procedure is done, the procedure is done!
Not to mention, since there’s no drain, there is no need to empty it or measure the amount of fluid collected. There’s also the peace of mind of not having to carry a drain around in your abdomen–or carving out time to have said drain removed in-office.
Overall, a drainless tummy tuck is commonly preferred by both surgeons and patients alike, due to the simplified, straightforward process.
Unfortunately, not all patients do well with a drainless tummytuck. Thin patients without much fat in their belly show small contour irregularities easier than others. The left over fluid that remains after a drainless tummytuck can cause lumps and bumps that prevent an ideal result. These patients tend get better results from a tummytuck that uses a drain.
How to Go Drainless
There are many factors that determine a candidate’s suitability for a drainless or drains tummy tuck procedure. Your surgeon will recommend the procedure that best suits your unique situation.
If you’ve been considering a tummy tuck, the first step is to make a consultation with a trusted, proven cosmetic surgeon. At DeLuca Cosmetic Surgery, we’ve performed thousands of tummy tucks with dazzling, artistic results.
Check out our patient reviews, view before & after photos, and schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to learn more about we can help you choose a body contouring plan to suit your beauty and self-image goals!
Ready For Your Ultimate Spring & Summer Body?
As spring (and the warm weather) come rolling in, it’s time to shed the baggy sweatpants, heavy sweaters, and thick winter coats. For many people, however, the warm weather-and less clothing-means heightened anxiety. While winter provides ample opportunity to cover up the parts of your body you deem substandard, those opportunities are few and far between in spring. Fortunately, DeLuca Plastic Surgery has you covered!
Let’s take a look at some of the more popular procedures to help you appreciate the warm weather and show some skin with confidence!
Mommy Makeovers Are Perfect For Spring!
Having a child changes everything-including the shape of your body. Between pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, the body undergoes some serious stress. While diet and exercise can minimize weight gain, the body won’t look the same as it did before becoming a mom. The surgeons at DeLuca Plastic Surgery can help you regain your confidence-and body-with a mommy makeover!

A mommy makeover is a series of procedures aimed at helping mothers regain their pre-birth bodies. There is no “one-size-fits-all” mommy makeover procedure. Instead, your surgeon will work with you to develop a customized program targeting the areas where you most need help!
The most important thing to note about a mommy makeover is that it’s not for women who plan to have children again. Additional pregnancies can reverse or undo the work done during a mommy makeover. Finally, while recovery time depends on the nature of the procedures performed, patients can expect to see optimal results with a full recovery in a few weeks, on average. That means if you plan your mommy makeover now, you’ll have the body you want for spring and summer!
Let’s take a look at some of the procedures that make up a mommy makeover.
Procedures that Make Up a Mommy Makeover
•Tummy Tuck: the area arguably most affected throughout pregnancy and childbirth. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, sculpts and tightens the midsection by removing excess skin and tissue to return the body to its pre-baby shape. Patients achieve a full recovery in about two weeks, on average.
•Liposuction: For patients who put on excess weight during pregnancy, liposuction may be the answer. As the standard for removing excess fat, liposuction can target any and all problem areas, including the abdomen, arms, legs, and neck. Patients achieve a full recovery in between two to four weeks, on average.
•Breast Lift/Reduction/Augmentation: Between pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts enlarge and then return to “normal” size, which can lead to significant volume loss and sagging. Depending on your individual concerns, your surgeon can help you achieve your pre-baby breasts or the breasts of your dreams! Full recovery time is typically around four weeks but depends on the specifics of your procedure.
•Body Contouring: While the breasts and abdomen are the areas most affected throughout pregnancy, a mommy makeover can help reshape any part of the body by eliminating excess skin and fat, and contouring the overall shape of the area in question. Full recovery time depends on the area of the body.
Start Planning Ahead For Spring & Summer Procedures!

You guessed it. Spring and summer are some of the more popular times of year for cosmetic surgery. Whether it’s liposuction, body contouring, breast augmentation, or a facelift, if you’re thinking about a procedure or procedures this spring or summer, give DeLuca Plastic Surgery a call to schedule a consultation. Our board-certified surgeons will work with you to target any problem areas and help you achieve the body of your dreams!
Popular Procedures: What to Know
Have you been thinking about cosmetic surgery, but wanted to know more about the whole process? At DeLuca Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide range of procedures aimed at the face, breasts, and body. Our specialized surgeons will work with you to develop a customized plan for real, amazing results with minimal downtime, scarring, and discomfort. Let’s take a look at a few of the more popular procedures being performed daily at DeLuca Plastic Surgery.
Think you might be a candidate? Give us a call or schedule a consultation online!
Blepharoplasty (Upper and Lower)
Blepharoplasty, more commonly known as eyelid surgery, is perfect for those looking to rejuvenate their appearance without the invasiveness of a facelift. It can be performed on the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both. According to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, blepharoplasty was the second most popular cosmetic procedure of 2020.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty can help to correct heavy drooping, tighten eye muscles and tissue, and reduce excess skin and fatty deposits. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is more cosmetic in nature-aimed at reducing excess fat around the bottom of the eyes-which builds up as we age. In both cases, your surgeon makes a delicate incision in the natural crease of the eye. That means no scarring or visible signs of surgery.
Recovery time for both upper and lower blepharoplasty is, on average, two weeks. Because individual results may differ by patient, some patients may have more or less bruising or swelling than others.
Importantly, not everyone is a candidate for blepharoplasty. During your consultation, your surgeon will conduct a thorough examination of your eyes, face, and health history, answer any questions, and develop the plan that best suits your needs and circumstances. We’ll also remain available 24/7 for the duration of your recovery.
Read More About Blepharoplasty
Neck Liposuction
The fourth most common procedure of 2020 and historically among the most popular, liposuction aims to eliminate unwanted fat deposits. One of the more common areas of concern is the neck. Neck liposuction can remove the unwanted “double-chin” and create a more aesthetic, youthful, and tight neckline.

At DeLuca Plastic Surgery, we use Tumescent Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) to reduce discomfort and improve overall results. Most patients can return to work within one week and resume full activity within two weeks of the procedure. With the right post-op care, including a healthy diet and exercise, results are permanent!
Neck liposuction can be performed on its own or in conjunction with other facial cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, or facelift. As with any cosmetic procedure, not everyone is a candidate for neck liposuction. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss your unique circumstances to develop a customized plan and answer any questions, and we’ll remain available 24/7 for the entire duration of your recovery.
Mini Face & Neck Lift
In 2020, facelifts were the third most popular cosmetic procedure. A mini facelift or necklift is perfect for patients with saggy skin or loose jowls, deep lines or wrinkles, or a tired, aged appearance. A number of factors, including age, exposure to the sun, genetics, and gravity can all contribute to showing the signs of age-sometimes prematurely-in the face and neck.

Typically, a mini facelift differs from a full facelift in that the former is less invasive and focuses on the jowls and upper neck, whereas the latter includes the midface and entire neck. A mini facelift or necklift works by tightening the face or neck by pulling the skin and tissues up and outward towards the ear.
Most patients report minimal-to-no discomfort and recovery time is typically no more than a few weeks. We advise patients to avoid strenuous activity for 14 days post-procedure. After roughly three months, patients can expect to see target results. Not everyone is a candidate for a mini facelift or necklift; a consultation will determine your eligibility. As with all procedures, we will remain available 24/7 for the entire duration of your recovery.
Experience the Best with Dr. Yan
Schedule an instant consultation with Dr. Yan, a renowned expert in blepharoplasty, liposuction, mini facelifts, and so much more! Get all your questions answered, an estimate on costs and available dates, and an overall assessment delivered straight to your email inbox. Just snap, click, and submit!
Schedule a Consultation Today!
The popularity of cosmetic surgery is on the rise, with over 13 million procedures performed in 2020. If you’re considering a procedure, the first step is to schedule a consultation with DeLuca Plastic Surgery. We offer in-person, phone-in, and “instant” email consultations. We combine our experience with a detailed focus and artistic eye to offer you a customized plan for the best results.
Take a look at before and after photos, read patient success stories, and contact us with any questions or to schedule a consultation or get more information.
Look Your Best For The Holidays!
The holidays are a time for togetherness and socialization. Unfortunately, for many people, fears and dissatisfaction over appearance can get in the way of a festive, social holiday season. Whether it’s a school reunion, a corporate holiday party, or seeing your extended family, one thing is clear: you want to look your best for the holidays. With quick fixes from DeLuca Plastic Surgery, you can go into the holidays feeling confident and powerful.
Botox & Fillers-A Quick, Easy Solution
Easing away those wrinkle lines and signs of aging is as easy as scheduling an appointment for Botox injections. In as little as 15 minutes, your surgeon can make you look drastically younger, tighter, and more vibrant. Best of all, results can last for up to 6 months! That means you’ll be looking fit and healthy all Winter and Spring!

While it can take a week or two for best results, there is no downtime with Botox-you can leave your appointment and return to your daily routine. Common areas for Botox treatment include crow’s feet, forehead, frown lines, and even neck bands.
As we age, our face loses volume, which causes the skin to sag. While Botox relaxes the muscles to make wrinkles disappear, facial fillers, like Restylane and Juvederm, “fill” the lost volume, restoring a full, healthy look. Not only do dermal fillers help restore the “full” look of your skin but they actually rejuvenate your skin-and replace collagen as they work and typically last longer than Botox.
Both Botox and dermal fillers can help restore a youthful, radiant look to your skin and face quickly and with no downtime. Ask your surgeon whether Botox or fillers are right for you this holiday season!
Immediate Availability With Dr. Yan!
Worried you don’t have time to get the look you want for the holidays? We have immediate availability for most procedures, including Botox and dermal fillers, with Dr. Yan! Call or go online to schedule an in-person or phone-in consultation with our office today!

During a consultation, you can expect a detailed conversation on your overall reconstructive or aesthetic goals. We’ll work with you to develop a customized plan to help you visualize the new you. We accept most insurance plans, and consultations for functional concerns are billed to insurance.
Can’t make it in-person? Dr. Yan offers “instant” virtual email consultations. Just upload your photos and desired procedure, and within 24-48 hours, we will email you with an assessment, quote, and available surgery dates. You can even submit multiple requests for multiple procedures!
A Great Holidays Gift Idea-DeLuca Plastic Surgery Gift Certificates

Need to find the perfect stocking-stuffer for that special someone? DeLuca Plastic Surgery offers gift certificates! Let your loved one pick the procedure that’s right for him or her and get that all-needed spark back! Call or contact us for more details!
Happy Holidays From DeLuca Plastic Surgery!
With your new look from DeLuca Plastic Surgery, you can go into the holiday season feeling happy, comfortable, and confident. Don’t hide from your imperfections or signs of aging-call us or go online today to get started on your new look!