Body Contouring For “Down There”: What You Need to Know

When you think of major body contouring procedures, typically you think of the main surgeries: abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast augmentation, and leg, arm, or thigh lifts. But what about the more discrete areas? You know, the area “down there.”
Also known as vaginal rejuvenation, there are a set of procedures designed to aid problems stemming from aesthetic concerns, childbirth, issues with physical activity or intimacy, discomfort from clothing, or even self-consciousness.
With many of these procedures becoming both more popular and widely known, let’s take a minute to talk about who might be a candidate, what body contouring procedures are available, prognosis and recovery, and more!
Procedures For “Down There”

There are a number of procedures that can help relieve problems with vaginal discomfort and self-consciousness, such as labiaplasty, monsplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and labia majora fat grafting.
While not often talked about, even A-list celebrities have boasted about the benefits of vaginal rejuvenation procedures.
Take a moment to learn a little bit about each procedure below.
Labiaplasty is quickly becoming one of the more popular, albeit lesser talked about cosmetic procedures, with a more than 200% increase in popularity between 2012 and 2017.
For many women, the size, shape, or overall aesthetic of the labia majora or labia minora becomes a problem. This can be due to childbirth, genetics, or myriad other reasons.
During the procedure, your surgeon will first design a skin removal pattern that fits your goals. Using carefully placed incisions, the excess labia is removed to reduce the height of labia minora to lie within the labia majora and/or to reduce excess labia majora and the tissues sutured together with absorbable sutures. Typically, the procedure takes about an hour, and patients can return to normal activity within three to four days and exercise in a a few weeks.
Learn more about labiaplasty here!
While perhaps not as well-known as labiaplasty, monsplasty remains one of the more in-demand body contouring procedures.
Whereas labiaplasty aims to reduce the size or alter the shape of the labia, monsplasty helps deal with excess skin and fat in the mons–the hair-bearing, upper part of the vulva.
During the procedure, your surgeon will make a triangle-shaped incision, from which we remove unwanted fat and excess tissue. The area is then pulled up or “sculpted”, leaving you with a more comfortable appearance.
Patients can typically return to work about a week post-procedure, with a return to physical activity somewhere between 4-6 weeks.
Clitoral Hood Reduction
Clitoral hood reduction, whether done on its own or on conjunction with labiaplasty, is another lesser talked about, in-demand body contouring procedure for the area “down there”.
Also known as a hoodectomy, clitoral hood reduction–as the name suggests–reduces the size and shape of the clitoral hood by removing excess tissue to expose the clitoris and enhance the overall appearance of the vulva.
During the procedure, your surgeon will remove excess skin and then suture the area up for a symmetrical, aesthetic look.
Best of all, clitoral hood reduction typically takes no more than an hour and patients can return home the same day, with a return to work in about one week and a return to physical activity within roughly six weeks.
Labia Majora Fat Grafting
No part of the body is immune to the effects of aging. That includes the genital area.
Labia majora fat grafting is designed to help restore a youthful appearance to the vulva by taking fat from other areas of the body and using it to restore lost volume.
Whether performed on its own or in conjunction with labia majora reduction, labia majora fat grafting can rejuvenate the vulva and restore your freedom and self-confidence.
Patients have little downtime post-procedure, with most patients being able to return to work the same day and return to excercise within two to three days.
Who is a Good Candidate?

Typically, a good candidate is any woman who has pain or discomfort, or soreness with physical activity or intimacy, as well as women for whom childbirth has significantly altered the size and/or shape of the vagina.
Who is a good candidate for body contouring procedures “down there” or vaginal rejuvenation differs depending on the procedure(s) performed, age, and a variety of other factors.
However, there are a few constants to consider for every patient, regardless of the variables.
•Patients should be in good health and free of any complications that may increase the risk of complications.
•Talk to your doctor about recent changes in your health, recent illnesses, and medications.
•Avoid alcohol and smoking for at least four weeks pre-procedure and four weeks post-operative to further reduce your risk of complications and aid in recovery.
To best decide if you might be a good candidate, consider scheduling a consultation with your surgeon.
Prognosis & Recovery

Your prognosis and recovery after vaginal rejuvenation body contouring differs depending on procedure.
In most cases, the recovery time is somewhere around a week. However, more comprehensive vaginal rejuvenation may take up to three months or longer to see full results and recovery.
Like most cosmetic surgery procedures, patients should ice the area and plan to rest immediately post-op. The most common side effects include swelling, redness, pain and discomfort, itching, and a limited range of movement.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Rejuvenation of the pubic areas can help you regain your freedom to wear whatever you’d like, enjoy physical activity and intimacy, and restore your self-confidence.
If you’re interested in improving your area “down there”, schedule an in-person, phone-in, or “instant” email consultation with one of our experienced surgeons to learn more!