The Top Cosmetic Surgeries for Men

Although you often hear about women getting lip fillers, tummy tucks and Botox, they’re not the only ones who are concerned about their appearance. More people than ever are getting cosmetic surgery nowadays. Many of those patients are men.
Why Men Turn to Cosmetic Surgery
As the body positivity movement becomes more powerful, people are embracing their ability to improve their appearance. Should you love yourself the way that you are? Sure. But if you have the option to be the best version of yourself, why shouldn’t you try?
No one else should judge your appearance. However, you may struggle to accept certain features. If you can improve your self-esteem, mental health or physical health with plastic surgery, would you do it?
Many men would. The number of plastic surgery procedures performed on men increased by 40 percent between 2010 and 2016. Today, the trend of plastic surgery for men is still on the rise.
Men are choosing surgical and non-surgical procedures to:
• Prevent or reverse the signs of aging
• Improve their confidence
• Balance their appearance
• Stay competitive with a younger workforce
• Remove fat from problem areas
• Reshape their chests
The stigma of cosmetic surgery is disappearing. As more people get it and share their experiences on social media, others realize that it’s not taboo.
Liposuction for Men
Many women reshape their bodies with a “mommy makeover” after they’re done having children. The “daddy do-over” is becoming more popular for men. After you hit a certain age, you may have trouble getting rid of stubborn fat in certain areas, like your love handles and chest, no matter how much you work out. This can be frustrating for someone who is in good health and tends to their appearance.
Liposuction can contour the body, removing fat deposits and revealing the muscle structure underneath. With a slimmer, firmer figure, many men feel more masculine.
In fact, liposuction is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure for men these days. The beer belly is not desirable, but it’s hard to sculpt abs at the gym.
Most men aren’t seeking perfection. They just want to feel better about themselves. They want their clothing to drape smoothly over their bodies. Many guys aim to eliminate their spare tire or excess fat around their jawline.
Liposuction is often extremely effective for removing fat from the abdominal area without additional procedures. Men’s skin stays elastic for longer than women’s. Therefore, it can snap back into place without the need for surgical skin removal.
It takes about one to two weeks to recover from liposuction. Larger treatment areas require more healing time.
Male Breast Reduction
Gynecomastia, or breast reduction, surgery is the second most common cosmetic procedure for men. Males may get enlarged breast tissue from a hormonal imbalance. Sometimes, it goes away on its own after puberty. But it can be embarrassing if it persists.
For many men, gynecomastia becomes more pronounced between the ages of 50 and 69. At least 25 percent of men are affected at this stage in life. Some pharmaceuticals, drugs and alcohol can make the condition worse.
Gynecomastia doesn’t only affect men who struggle with extra weight. Because there is a great deal of glandular tissue in the chest area, lean guys can have enlarged breasts.
During a male breast reduction procedure, the surgeon removes glandular tissue and extra fat. After undergoing this procedure, many men say that they’re confident taking their shirts off for the first time in their lives.
After this type of surgery, you can expect to be on total bed rest for at least two to three days. Total recovery time is approximately four to six weeks, but you can usually return to work within about three days.
Eyelid Surgery for Men
Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is the third most common cosmetic surgery procedures for males. This eye-opening procedure can make guys look more alert, less fatigued and younger. Because they can’t hide their faces behind clothing, many men are opting for this surgery.
Although some people refer to this procedure as an eye lift, the skin is not actually lifted. Instead, fat and excess skin around the eye are removed, reshaping the area and providing more definition. Eyelid surgery can be done on the upper or lower eyelid. It subtly perks up the appearance, reduces drooping, corrects dark spots and puffiness and smooths out wrinkles.
You may develop bruising or swelling on the day of your surgery. However, this typically goes away fairly quickly. Applying cool compresses during the first 48 hours after surgery can minimize inflammation. Gentle movements, like walking, can speed up healing. You can usually resume normal activities within a week to 10 days after the procedure.
Botox Injections
Men who don’t want to go under the knife may opt for less invasive procedures, such as Botox injections. Like other cosmetic surgeries, Botox is becoming more popular with males between the ages of 35 and 65. Guys who opt for Botox are often white-collar professionals who work in high-profile jobs or earn ample salaries.
With Botox, you can eliminate wrinkles, deep lines and crow’s feet. Botox can soften your appearance by smoothing out the creases that form from making the same expression repeatedly. The brows and areas around the eyes are the most common places for men to get Botox.
Many males cite workplace competition as a prime reason to get the injections. Professionals are no longer likely to stay at the same job for decades. People are changing jobs and climbing ladders. Older men don’t want to get pushed out of potential positions by those who look younger and seem more energetic.
Botox takes about 15 minutes and requires no downtime. You can get it on your lunch break and be the presenter at a big meeting immediately afterward.
Read: “Botox and Fillers: The Fountain Of Youth (Without The Knife)”
Where Can Men Go for Plastic Surgery?
The surgeons of Deluca Plastic Surgery treat patients from the Albany, NY and the surrounding towns of Saratoga Springs, Schnectady and Troy, NY. We also see patients from Vermont, Massachusetts, and as far away as California. Schedule a free consultation so that you can ask all of your questions and learn how you can become the best version of yourself with cosmetic surgery.