Virtual Consultations: What You Need to Know
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As COVID19 continues to rear its ugly head, it’s understandable if you have concerns about where in public you want to go. At DeLuca Plastic Surgery, we hear you loud and clear. We’re committed to providing you the optimal level of service, satisfaction, and care. That’s why we’re proud to offer virtual consultations!
Safe, secure, and similar to our traditional consultation process, virtual consultations are a perfect way to get the personalized private cosmetic consultation you’re looking for without the worry and hassle of having to leave the house.

How do I schedule a virtual consultation?
You can contact us either through our online form, Facebook Messenger, or by phone at 518-724-2444. After a short screening interview with our staff, we’ll schedule your virtual consultation.
How do I prepare?
Our staff will provide you with detailed instructions on photographing and documenting your areas of concern. Take care to provide high-quality photos; utilize proper lighting, positioning, angles, and a high-quality camera if possible.
What can I expect during the consultation?
Our virtual consultations are conducted very similarly to our traditional consultations. We’ll review your photos, take a detailed history, and discuss goals. Our goal is for you to gain an appreciation for what we do as well as an understanding of the timing, cost, and expected recovery following the procedure.

We’ll answer questions and provide you all the information you need about your potential procedure. We urge you to continue to contact us with any questions, concerns, or comments!
Is a virtual consultation right for you?
If you are interested in our services but wary of coming into the office, contact us today to schedule a virtual consultation! Take a look at some of our past work, read reviews from past patients, and peruse our website for a comprehensive look at who we are and what we do. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Get more details on the management of swelling and scars in blog post: Post-Operative Care After Plastic Surgery.