Is Wide-Awake-Surgery right for you?
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DeLuca Plastic Surgery are experts in Wide-Awake-Surgery–performed under local anesthesia right here in our office! That means less downtime, no nausea, and a much less stressful procedure! With local anesthesia, you’ll be comfortable, relaxed, and awake for the whole procedure!
What Procedures Can We Do
Also known as tumescent liposuction, we can perform the procedure using tumescent numbing-a diluted version of typical numbing medication. Through small, 1-cm incisions, we can remove the fat from under the skin. Results are instant and patients can see the transformation right before their eyes. This technique works best for small, stubborn areas of fat that are not responsive to diet and exercise.
Modified Mini Face Lift
A modified mini face lift corrects jowling and laxity of the skin of the face and neck-all through an incision hidden around the ear. We are able to perform a modified mini face lift under local anesthesia, which means less recovery time, no nausea or vomiting, and no trip to the operating room. This can be combined with a mini eye lift or liposuction for a complete transformation.
Mini Breast Lift
A mini breast lift allows moderate reshaping of the breasts using elevation of the nipple and tightening of the skin-all without a trip to the operating room or general anesthesia.
Mini Tummy Tuck
During a mini tummy tuck, a small amount of excess skin of the lower belly can be removed and the belly tightened under tumescent anesthesia. With Wide-Awake abdominoplasty, you’ll be able to see the results and progress before the procedure is complete! This can be combined with Mini-Liposuction for an all-over belly transformation.
Also known as a mini eyelid lift, with this procedure, the upper and lower skin of the eyelids can be removed under local anesthesia. Bruising and pain are minimal and patients are back to normal activities in 1 week.

If you’re interested in our in-house, wide-awake surgery done with local anesthesia in our office, contact us today! We can even schedule and conduct virtual consultations so you can meet with us from the comfort of your own home!
Get more details on the management of swelling and scars in blog post: Post-Operative Care After Plastic Surgery.